.. role:: xml(code) :language: xml .. _Sec:tuto:begin: ***************** Start with ECOGEN ***************** Here is described your first use of ECOGEN: Running the *default test case*. This is what user should observe without any change in the downloaded ECOGEN package. .. important:: Before starting with ECOGEN, you should have passed all steps of installation instructions of section :ref:`Chap:Start`. .. _Sec:tuto:mainXML: The main input file =================== ECOGEN is mainly controled thanks to the input file named *ECOGEN.xml*. This file looks like : .. code-block:: xml ./libTests/referenceTestCases/euler/1D/transport/positiveVelocity/ Each test case corresponds to specific input files organised in different folders and associated to a markup :xml:``. When executing ECOGEN, it runs sequentially each test case corresponding to the uncommented lines present in the markup :xml:``. A unique line is uncommented in the original file and corresponds to the *default test case*. One should modify the *ECOGEN.xml* input file to run other provided test by uncommenting/commenting lines in this file. New lines can also be added when creating new test cases. .. _Sec:tuto:default: Running the default test case ============================= The default test case provided with ECOGEN package is a single-phase flow test which simply advect a density discontinuity with a positive velocity in 1D. Input files for this test case are present in the folder *./libTests/referenceTestCases/euler/1D/transport/positiveVelocity/*. .. _Fig:tutos:default:CI: .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/CI.jpg :scale: 70% :align: center Initial condition for 1D, single-phase transport test case. The initial characteristics of the run are: +-----------------------------+--------------+ | Characteristic | value | +=============================+==============+ | dimension | 1 m | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | mesh size | 100 | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | AMR max level | 3 | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | discontinuity position | 0,5 m | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | boundary conditions | transmittive | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | final solution time | 0.36 ms | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | solution printing frequency | 0.036 ms | +-----------------------------+--------------+ This test can be executed on a single core or on XX cores by one of the commands: .. code-block:: console ./ECOGEN mpirun -np XX ECOGEN .. note:: Information on available cores can be obtained under linux system using the command: .. code-block:: console /usr/bin/nproc The code is running and at the top of the console output one can read: - The console logo of ECOGEN - The name of the test case including the full path of the test case : *./libTests/referenceTestCases/euler/1D/transport/positiveVelocity/* - Information concerning the number of iterations, the elapsed time, etc. *euler1DTransportPositiveVelocity* is the name of the default run. .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/RunECOGEN_Logo.png :scale: 100% :align: center Screenshot of the top of ECOGEN's default run console. In this particular run, 8 cores have been used. The run ends and the following information comes: .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/RunECOGEN_NormalEnding.png :scale: 100% :align: center Screenshot of the end of ECOGEN's default run console with 8 cores used. A new folder *results* is created at the first run. This folder contains a folder named *euler1DTransportPositiveVelocity* containing output files of our test case: - *collectionParaview.pvd* and *collectionVisIt.visit* used in *Paraview* and *VisIt* softwares, - *datasets* folder containing the associated *vtu* files, - *infoCalcul.out*, - *infoMesh* folder, - *probes* folder, - *cuts* folder, - *savesInput* folder; a kind of log folder that contains the *XML* files used for this run. By default, output files are recorder in VTK XML format in separate files for each core and TIME. A way to post-treat this output files is to open the *collectionParaview.pvd* or *collectionVisIt.visit* file using Paraview_ or VisIt_ software. .. _Fig:tutos:default:results: .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/transport.* :scale: 50% :align: center Results for the single-phase transport test. This basic test shows advection of a contact discontinuity while preserving pressure and velocity uniform. Editing input files ------------------- Input files for this test case are located in the following folder: *./libTests/referenceTestCases/euler/1D/transport/positiveVelocity/*. Computation parameters are easily modified according to the input file description of section :ref:`Chap:input`. For example, one can prefer to visualize results under *gnu* file format. For that, simply turn the *XML* option in the XML file *\libTests\referenceTestCases\euler\1D\transport\positiveVelocity\main.xml* into *gnu* and re-run the test case: .. code-block:: xml The results can be drawn by loading in the **gnuplot** software the file *visualization.gnu*. .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/GnuplotScreenshotDefaultUse.png :scale: 75% :align: center Screenshot of results in **gnuplot**. .. _Paraview: https://www.paraview.org/ .. _VisIt: https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/visit/