.. role:: xml(code) :language: xml .. _Sec:tuto:runInAnotherFolder: ************************************* Running a test case in another folder ************************************* If one wants to execute a test located outside of the **ECOGEN** folder, it is now possible. To illustrate this tutorial, we will use a shock tube filled with air in 1D with the high pressure on the left side. This test will be in a folder called **test**. Required files ============== First, make sure that you still have the main **ECOGEN** folder, or this will not work. In the folder where you want to work, you need to have the same structure as the one for **ECOGEN**. So, for this example, you need to have: - *ECOGEN.xml* with the test case associated. - *libTests* containing the test cases. - *libEOS* containing the fluids you want to use. .. note:: In the presented test case, the type of mesh used is Cartesian. However, if you want to use an unstructured mesh, you must have the *libMeshes* folder in the *test* folder. For this example, the *ECOGEN.xml* file looks like: .. code-block:: xml As the fluid used here is air, the *libEOS* folder will contain *IG_air.xml*, and the *libTests* folder will contain the 4 input files that are detailed in :ref:`Chap:input`. To sum up, you should have the following folder/file structure: .. code-block:: console ├── ECOGEN │   ├── AUTHORS │   ├── COPYRIGHT │   ├── coverage_and_profile │   ├── docs │   ├── ECOGEN.xml │   ├── libEOS │   ├── libMeshes │   ├── libTests │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── Makefile │   ├── nonreg │   ├── README_Developer.md │   ├── README.md │   ├── scripts │   └── src └── test ├── ECOGEN.xml ├── libEOS └── libTests Running a test in another folder ================================ As said before, the test used here is a shock tube filled with air, that is precisely detailed in :ref:`Sec:testcases:shocktube`. .. _Fig:tutos:default:CI_2: .. figure:: ./_static/tutos/default/CI.* :scale: 70% :align: center Initial condition for 1D, single-phase transport test case. This test can be executed on a single core or on XX cores by the command: .. code-block:: console mpirun -np XX ECOGEN path/folder/ So, if the folder named *test* is located in *Documents*, and one wants to run the test with 2 cores, the command is: .. code-block:: console mpirun -np 2 ECOGEN ~/Documents/test/ A new folder *results* is created in the *test* folder, with another folder inside named *euler1DTShockTubeHPLeft* and where one can find output files of the test done.