.. role:: xml(code) :language: xml Test unstructured ================== This is a case with an unstructured mesh generated with the open-source Gmsh_ software. Initial conditions are shown in :numref:`Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredIni`. This test is referenced in *./libTests/referenceTestCases/PUEq/2D/testUnstructured/*. The corresponding uncommented line in *ECOGEN.xml* is: .. code-block:: xml ./libTests/referenceTestCases/PUEq/2D/testUnstructured/ .. _Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredIni: .. figure:: ./_static/testCases/PUEq/testUnstructured/testUnstructuredIni.* :scale: 40% :align: center Initial conditions. Visualization using Paraview_ software. The initial characteristics of the run are: +-----------------------------+----------------------+ | Characteristic | Value | +=============================+======================+ | Initial mesh structure | Unstructured | +-----------------------------+----------------------+ | Boundary conditions | wall | +-----------------------------+----------------------+ | Final solution time | 2e-2 s | +-----------------------------+----------------------+ | Solution printing frequency | 4e-4 s | +-----------------------------+----------------------+ Results are shown in :numref:`Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredAnim` and :numref:`Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredAnim2`. There is a pressure gradient between the two regions, high pressure at t=0s is contained in red region. When the interface between the blue and the red regions disapears, a shock wave propagates, causing an increase in pressure in the blue region, and the red region relaxes. .. _Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredAnim: .. figure:: ./_static/testCases/PUEq/testUnstructured/testUnstructuredAnim.* :scale: 40% :align: center Pressure evolution over time. Visualization using Paraview_ software. .. figure:: ./_static/testCases/PUEq/testUnstructured/pressureToggle.* :scale: 40% :align: center .. _Fig:testCases:PUEq:testUnstructuredAnim2: .. figure:: ./_static/testCases/PUEq/testUnstructured/testUnstructuredAnim2.* :scale: 40% :align: center Mixture density over time. Visualization using Paraview_ software. .. figure:: ./_static/testCases/PUEq/testUnstructured/densityToggle.* :scale: 40% :align: center .. _Paraview: https://www.paraview.org/ .. _gnuplot: http://www.gnuplot.info/ .. _Gmsh: http://gmsh.info/