A new release, ECOGEN_v4.0, is available on GitHub. More information here.

A new release, ECOGEN_v4.0, is available on GitHub. More information here.
2023-04-02, ICMF 2023, Kobe, Japan
K. Schmidmayer is presenting investigations of shock-induced cavitation within a droplet which involves multiphase mechanisms. Within the context of heterogeneous nucleation, he introduces a thermodynamically well-posed multiphase numerical model accounting for phase compression and expansion, which relies on a finite pressure-relaxation rate formulation. He elucidates the critical Mach number from which cavitation is likely to occur and he provides a phenomenological description.
2022-08-22, MultiMat 2022, Zurich, Switzerland
K. Schmidmayer is presenting interactions between waves and interfaces in the diffuse interface approach. He highlights the issue coming from the appearance of a wave-trapping phenomenon. Then he presents a thermodynamically-consistent pressure-disequilibrium model with finite pressure-relaxation rate to overcome the difficulties inherent in the computation of these interactions.
2022-06-12, ASME Turbo Expo 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands
J. Cazé is presenting cavitation in turbopumps. He explains how the modelling approach developped in ECOGEN in collaboration with CNES enables to catch the pressure drop observed when a cryogenic fluid is pumped in cavitation regime.