Input Files
The standard XML format is used for ECOGEN input files. This data format is using markups which give to the input files some interesting flexibility. ECOGEN is using the TinyXML-2 parser to read/write XML files.
More information about XML format can be found at:
ECOGEN package includes a sample of test cases. Each of them is independent, ready to use and can also be adapted and enriched to develop a new configuration. The test case to be run is chosen in the main input file: ECOGEN.xml. The minima structure of this file is:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"?>
In this file, the <testCase>
markup indicates the folder containing the test case to be run. It is then possible to run successively several cases by adding as many <testCase>
markups as necessary.
Each folder indicated in a <testCase>
markup must contain 4 input files:
Additional input files depending on the test case are necessary. They are placed in the following folders:
ECOGEN/libEOS/: Contains the files defining the material used in the test case.
ECOGEN/libMeshes/: Contains the files defining the mesh used in the test case (for unstructured grid).
In this section, the structure of each input file is detailed. This information is also provided in a condensed form in the “handbook” files at the root folder of the test-case library ECOGEN/libTests/. These files constitute quick-reference manuals and are named as follow: