Test unstructured
This is a case with an unstructured mesh generated with the open-source Gmsh software. Initial conditions are shown in Fig. 81. This test is referenced in ./libTests/referenceTestCases/PUEq/2D/testUnstructured/. The corresponding uncommented line in ECOGEN.xml is:

Fig. 81 Initial conditions. Visualization using Paraview software.
The initial characteristics of the run are:
Characteristic |
Value |
Initial mesh structure |
Unstructured |
Boundary conditions |
wall |
Final solution time |
2e-2 s |
Solution printing frequency |
4e-4 s |
Results are shown in Fig. 82 and Fig. 83. There is a pressure gradient between the two regions, high pressure at t=0s is contained in red region. When the interface between the blue and the red regions disapears, a shock wave propagates, causing an increase in pressure in the blue region, and the red region relaxes.

Fig. 82 Pressure evolution over time. Visualization using Paraview software.

Fig. 83 Mixture density over time. Visualization using Paraview software.